
Meduim Undead

Hit Dice: 1d12 [hps 6]
Initive: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Imp. Initive )
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 15 [ +1 Dex, +4 Natural] Attacks:None
Face/Reach: 5'x5'/5 ft.
Special Attacks: Sand Bag
Special Qualities: Dream Eater, Ethereal
Saves: Fortitude: +0 Reflex: +1 Will: +4
Statistics: Str: -- Dex: 13 Con: -- Int: 14 Wis: 14 Chr: 4
Skills: Hide +4
Feats: Improved Initive

Climate/Terrain: Any Land
Orginization Solitary
Challenge Rating 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Netrual Evil
Advancement: None

     Sandmen are whispy creatures in black robes, that have the skeletal head of a cow. They tend to float a few feet from the ground, grasping with skeletal claws at a bag of dust.

     Sandmen mainly seem to be a childhood fantasy. Sandmen use their abilities to remain underground and hidden during the day, only comming out at night to feed apon the sleeping's dreams. They eat up only the nice and sweet parts of a dream, leaving the person only with nightmares. Wizards and children mainly consider them to be a real threat. Most don't even belive they exist.


     A Sandman for the most part is a coward. When confronted by a party, it will attempt to put them to sleep. If he fails in that, he will run away, and await another day to feed.

Sandbag: [Sp] Once per round, the Sandman can throw a handful of sand, thereby casting a sleep spell (DC 13 Save).
DreamEater: [Ex] After one full round over a sleeping victem, the Sandman can steal a person's good dreams. This prevents the person from having a full night's rest, causing spellcaster's not to recover spells that day, and prevents healing from resting.
Ethereal As DMG defines. Sandmen have the power to Manifest only at night.

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